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32 Great Herbs to Get Healthy Hair

There are various herbs that you can eat with regard for your wellbeing. Some of these herbs may help you to prevent certain chronic conditions like diabetes, tumor or cardiovascular disease. However, there are varieties of natural herbs that deliver beauty benefits for you and revitalizing new hair growthis, you can read some of them  below.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is often used to moisturise our your ,hands, or other part of our body. This powerful herb is also used for minor burns and injuries and really should be grown in your garden. However, many people might not know that aloe vera is a natural weapon against hair thinning since it has anti-inflammatory properties, which not only prevent hair loss but also stimulate hair regrowth. Besides, aloe vera works as an all natural conditioner, fights frizz as well as nourishes your skin of the head very effectively.
Enzymes in aloe vera dissolve death skin cells and excessive sebum which can clog hair roots.  Aloe has salicylic acid, an anti-inflammatory and slight anti-biotic.  Aloe gel is also a great moisturizer with a molecular structure just like keratin, the prominent protein which makes up epidermis and hair. Because of this, aloe vera is among the best carriers for herbal treatments that promote hair regrowth.

2. Amla

Amla, the Indian Gooseberry has several anti-oxidants including vitamin C which is essential for collagen production.  Enhanced collagen levels, speed up production, and strengthen of new hair growth. Mix amla natural powder with a moisturizer such as virgincoconut oil and massage in to your scalp. As a side note, amla is also agreat remedy for premature greying of hair.

3. Basil

Basil is abundant with magnesium, an often forgotten mineral that is vital for hundreds chemical reaction within our body.  When put on hair and scalp as  natural rinse, basil will acts as an anti-inflammatory, strengthens hair roor against damage, and improves blood circulationin the hair roots which really helps to stimulate hair growth.

4. Bhringraj

Scientifically known as Eclipta alba, also known as Maka, Bhringraj or bhringrajis an ancient Ayurvetic herb regarded as one of the most helpful natural remedy toencouraging hair growth.

5. Burdock Root

The root of Burdock plant has many traditional medicinal|therapeutic uses, including as an anti-inflammatory and scalp treatment.  High with fatty-acids compound, burdock root essential oil can be utilized by itself or combined withother natural herbs such as rosemary to promote scalp health encourage stronger hair.

6. Calendula

The flowers of Calendula officianalis, commonly known as marigolds are rich in nutrients and anti-oxidants.  Applied Calendula essential oil to you scalp, it can stimulates growth of stronger hair by promote collagen production and blood circulation in hair follicles.  Use calendula only or  mixture it with another moisturizing essential oil.

7. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a vitamin-rich herb that really helps to improve blood circulation and stimulate hair growth.  The seeds of Fenugreek should be soaked in water overnight then ground into a fine paste.  Apply fenugreek paste right to the scalp or blend it with Greek yogurt for the added benefit of lactic acid, an alpha-hydroxy exfoliant.  Allow this combination to soak in for at least 30 mins} before cleansing the scalp.

8. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is full of fatty-acids and anti-oxidants that assist to remove toxins and dead skin cells from the scalp.  Boil ground flax seeds in water to create a soothing gel that can be applied to scalp and hair as a moisturizer that will help to stimulate growth and enhance the strength of existing hair.

9. Ginger Root

Ginger root essential increases blood circulation in hair follicles, promoting stronger and faster development of hair.  Ginger root is also an anti-septic and moisturizer, which makes it excellent for clearing up dandruff and other skin conditions which might interfere healthy hair growth.

10. Gotu Kola

Also known as brahmi, Centella asiatica or gotu kola has been customarily used for thousands of years to treat many internal and external maladies, many of which are associated with th crown chakra.  Combine gotu kola extract with olive oil and massage onto the scalp to boost blood circulation and promote stronger hair growth.

11. Hibiscus

Hibiscus flowers is rich with vitamins and anti-oxidants that improve scalp and hair health. Add fresh blossoms (or if you cannot see them fresh, use dried flower) to coconut oil and grind into a fine paste.  When you applied it to scalp and hair regularly, this combination increases hair growth while at the same time warding off premature greying and dandruff.  For best results, allow the combination to soak into scalp and hair for at least two hours.

12. Hops

The hops plant flower, Humulus lupus contain a nourishing essential oil that is widely recognized as a hair growth stimulant as well as for its ability to thicken and strengthen existing hair.  Furthermore, hops flower essential oil is a natural anti-septic which can help to combat microbe infections on the scalp and  hair roots that could stunt healthy growth.

13. Horsetail

Equisetum arvensa is Mineral-rich herb and greatly popular as natural solution for promoting hair growth and a healthy scalp. Horsetail is packed with a lot of  nutrition that can help your hair regain its strength and grow quicker. It is an excellent source of silica mineral that helps form the collagen in epidermis and bones. Silica is also the primary hair-supportive compound that strengthens our hair at its core and keeps it looking bright. Furthermore}, Humulus lupus contains selenium, manganese and potassium that can encourage hair growth. Horsetail works by stimulating blood vessels that supply oxygen to hair follicles.  Also, horsetail contains quercetin, a flavonoid with anti-allergy and anti-viral features and silica a NUTRIENT which really helps to repair damage and fortify new and existing hair against breakage.  To use this natural herb, steep one part dried horsetail in two parts water for one hour or more.  Strain and cool the infused water to room temperature before you applying to hair and scalp|.

14. Lavender

The essential oil of Lavandula augustifolia is a robust anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-septic.  It has been used to avoid hair loss and encourage new hair regrowth. Additionally it is useful in dealing with dandruff and soothing scalp microbe infections. Besides, this natural herb helps to increase shine and add volume to the hair shaft.
Lavender essential oil stimulates the blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens new hair growth, and helps to balance the natural oil production of the scalp, making it a favorite choice for people of all skin types.  As an extra bonus, lavender essential oil is also a natural insect repellant which can  defend against disease-carrying parasites like fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and head lice.

15. Licorice

Licorice root contains Glycosides, triterpene saponins, and flavonoids, those chmemical compounds work to nourish the scalp and heal damage triggered by fungal infection, eczema, environmental allergens, and chemical exposure.  To make a licorice root cleanser, add one tablespoon of driedlicorice root to three cups of boiling water. Allow the roots to steep for one hour or more on low temperature (simmer.)  Strain and cool the infused liquid to room temperature before applying to hair and scalp.

16. Marshmallow

The Althea officinalis roots, or common marshmallow contain lauric acid, the medium chain fatty-acids within coconut oil which supply the fruit its outstanding list of health benefits.  Marshmallow root is also rich in mucilage, a natural hair detangler.  Boil dried marshmallow for approximately fifteen minutes then strain to extract mucilage which can then be mix it with your favorite natural conditioner.

17. Oat Straw

Oat straw, Avena sativa is another natural source of silica and magnesium which promote scalp health and hair growth.  Make a herbal rinse by steeping oat straw for an hour or more.  Alternately, you can get the benefits of oat straw by consuming it as a tea.

18. Parsley

Easy to grow generally in most climates, Petroselinium crispum - common garden parsley is rich with vitamins and anti-oxidants which increase keratin and collagen production in the scalp, increase blood circulation, promote healthy hair growth, and protect skin and hair from damage by free-radicals.  Parsley also has zinc and copper which work together to regulate metabolism and synthesize melanin, the pigment that shields skin and hair from sun destruction.  Create a natural rinse by steeping parsley in boiling or grind fresh parsley blended with water or essential oil into a fine paste to be applied to your scalp and hair.  Parsley may also be put into tea and salads, however women that are pregnant should avoid ingesting huge amounts of parsley as the herb could cause miscarriage.

19. Peppermint

Essential oil contained in peppermint leaves is anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory.  Applied peppermint oil to your scalp, it can help to heal chemical, microbial, or environmental destruction while also stimulating growth by increasing blood circulation and stimulating hair follicles.

20. Rose Hips

The fruit of Rosa canina, also known as the wild rose is one of the best natural source of vitamin C, (it is contain around 50 percent more than oranges) making this  plant as a robust of herbal stimulant for hair growth.  Simmer or soak rose hips in water until they become smooth enough to crush.  Combine with a moisturizer to create a paste that can be applied tothescalp and hair.
Avoid over-cooking rose hips as vitamin C is heat-sensitive and denatures when boiled.

21. Rosemary

Rosemary with scientifically name Rosemarinus officianalis is an evergreen herb that is easy to grow in most climates. Rosemary essential oil is vitamin-rich, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, and by far one of the most popular and effective herbs for scalp health and hair growth. Rosemary has been used as a powerful natural herb for centuries to promote hair health and hair growth. This herb works to cleanse your hair from the root to the tip. It helps to restore luster to your hair and combat dandruff, which causes and boosts hair loss. It also stimulates new hair development, supports follicles, strengthens hair roots and detoxifies the scalp.
Massage one to two teaspoons of rosemary oil straight into the scalp or mix with other natural oils to create a health scalp treatment or You can also add a little rosemary to your food or make rosemary water to create a rinse, both of which make your hair slimmer} and shinier.

22. Sage

Sageis attributed with many healing qualities, thus its scientific name salvia which means "to save.  This esteemed herb contains vitamins B and C, as well as magnesium (mg), zinc, and potassium, all of these increase the growth and strength of hair. Sage is also antibiotic and anti-allergic, and anti-septic so that it is perfect suitable fo healing skin ailments which may stunt hair growth. Put sage oil to a moisturizer or create a herbal rinse by steeping dried sage in hot water.

23. Shikakai

Acacia concinna or Shikakai, is a shrub native to the warm flatlands of Asia. It has recently been used for thousands of years as a herbal hair cleanser. Dried shikakai fruit may be ground into powder or steeped in warm water to create a healing cleanser. Rinse hair or massage shikakai paste into hair and scalp to promote growth, strengthen roots, and improve scalp health. (Shikakai is often combined with amla for the added benefit of the Indian gooseberry's anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties, as well as for amla's rich dark color. )

24. Soapnut

The fruit of Sapindus mukorossi tree, in the Lychee family has been used by people of numerous different cultures since ancient times to make soap - thus the moniker "soapnut. " The natural cleanser created from Sapindus fruit has both anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which makes it a very good choice for nourishing scalp and hair follicles, as well as for growing thicker, healthier hair.

25. Thyme

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is known to have anti-septic and anti-fungal properties. Thyme also contains minerals magnesium, potassium, and selenium which can be known to promote powerful growth of hair. Thyme essential oil can be mixed with a carrier oil or steep a handful of dried thyme in warm water to create a natural rinse.

26. Watercress

This aquatic herb, Nasturtium officianale known commonly as watercress is contain  high vitamins and minerals including biotin which has proven benefits for skin health  powerful hair growth. Check out this recipe for making a watercress rinse.

27. Yarrow

Yarrow is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and astringent so that it is an excellen herbal treatment for treating scalp conditions which may stunt hair growth. Because it is high in natural saponins and fatty-acids, yarrow extract is simply perfect for making natural scalp and hair cleansers. Alternately, you can mix yarrow oil witha carrier oil and applied to scalp to help promote new hair regrowth.

28. Yucca

Yucca schidigera is a succulent native to the deserts of western North America.  Yucca has many traditional uses for health and hygiene including as a nourishing natural cleanser for scalp and hair.

29. Chamomile

While chamomile tea provides tons of huge health advantages}, chamomile itself is useful in hair treatment. With a pleasant smell and many healing therapeutic properties, it could be used as a hair rinse after washing hair to relieve your itchy scalp, which is a main cause for hair loss. The yellowish color of chamomile infusion also imparts brightness and shine, and lightens the colour of hair.

30. Ginkgo Biloba

Not just good for your memory, this herb exelent to stimulate the growth of your hair. It increases blood circulation to the brain and also corrects any deficiency that is exists in the hair roots. Many people take ginkgo biloba supplements on a regular basis just to promote hair growth.

31. Ginseng

Ginseng is a very popular Chinese natural herb that lots of people know about for its stimulating effects on the brain and nervous system. It is also great for revitalizing hair growth. So good is ginseng for hair growth, that might be you can find this component in many shampoos and hairtonics.

32. Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is another natural herb that helps to prevent the human hormones that cause hair loss and hair thinning. When you use it with stinging nettle, the huge benefits are greatly improved. This is a great way to combine a couple of herbs to get amazing results.


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