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Natural Remedy to Eliminates Body Odor And Excessive Sweating

It is very uncomfortable situation when we are sweating and make bad smells that disturbing all people around us. Generally, body odor problems experienced by adolescents, the time when hormonal changes are happening. Some teenagers often feel insecure, despite anticipating with medical drugs and talcum powder. Not only in adolescents, many adults also have problems with body odor and sweat. Especially when eating at a restaurant, warm food triggers sweat and its smell can make people around us disturbed.

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We need to control our body problem  and excessive sweating. Especially if we interact with others oftenly, like marketer or PR, confidence is very important.  The body odor may caused by bacteria that attached to the skin. So when the skin sweating, these bacteria are causing unpleasant odors. Drinking a natural herbs is an alternative to overcome body odor and excessive sweating. Traditionally, this treatment can help various skin diseases caused by bacteria on the skin. There is also a body odor due to genetic factors, diseases and physiological factors.
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Natural Remedy to Eliminates Body Odor

Cardamom (Amomum compactum), is one type of cardamom that is often used as a spice. This herb is familiar with certain cooking herbs and for a mixture of herbs. There are two types of cardamom used in Indonesia, Java Cardamom and Indian cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum). Both types of cardamom are member of Zingiberaceae family.
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According to the study, cardamom contains chemical compounds that are beneficial for the health of the body. Among them are sineol oil, terpineol and alfaborneol, beta-camphor, protein, sugar, fat and silicate. The pharmacological effects of this plants make this plants  taste rather bitter and warm. This plant is often used as a febrifuge, anti tusif, peluruh sputum and anti vomit.
Read also: Simple Natural Treatment to Remove Your Body Odor
How to make natural herbs to eliminate body odor and excessive sweating from cardamom as follows:
  1. Prepare a handful of cardamom rhizome, then washed clean.
  2. Slice or smash it, and put into 5 glasses of water.
  3. Boil the concoction until boiling, wait until it becomes 2 glasses of water.
  4. Strain the potion, drink one glass twice a day.
This excessive body odor and sweat remedy can be applied to adolescents and adults.


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