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5 Most Popular Herbs from Indonesia

Indonesia, is a country rich with millions of varieties and types of flora that has such a wide property due to its position in the tropical area. Around the world there are 40 thousand medicinal plants, 30 thousand of which are in this country, and nearly 7 thousand of them have been identified and used for medical purposes.

One of the plants that are native to Indonesia is the Nutmeg. Since the 16th century, European Countries has interested to this spices. Not only  Nutmeg, they also realize that Indonesia is a spice paradise country, such as clove, pepper, tea, and many more. All of these plants are not only used as cooking spices, but also beneficial for human health. Therefore, these crops have a high value in international trade.

Native plants of Indonesia are popularly used in medicine in the medical world, among others:

1. Nutmeg (Myristica Fragans Houtt)

Asia Pala or Nutmeg is widely used as a cooking spice in Asia and european countries. The seeds contain various nutritious substances that can be used as a medicine. Nutmeg seeds chemical compound has sedative or soothing effects that are believed to be natural sleeping pills. Nutmeg seeds can also  overcome dysentery, diarrhea, stop vomiting, nausea, heartburn, and flatulence.

2. Cloves (Syzigium aromaticum)

Clove is a native plant of Indonesia, not only used as a spice cooking, cloves also used as a mixture of typical clove cigarettes Indonesia. Cloves are grown in Indonesia (Banda islands) and Madagaskar, but are also cultivated in Zanzibar, India and Sri Lanka. Cloves plant can grow well in tropical climates.
Cloves are efficacious as pain relievers, especially widely used by dentists.

3. Temulawak (Curcuma xanthoriza)

Wild Ginger has many benefits for human healthy. It can be used to treat diarrhea, indigestion, liver function maintaining, increase appetite, reduce arthritis, lowering blood fat and treat acne.
In addition to being used as a drug, ginger is also made as a source of carbohirat for people who have digestive disorders. On the other hand Temulawak also contains toxic compounds that can repel mosquitoes, because these plants produce essential oils that are effective against mosquitoes.

4. Brotowali (Tinospora crispa)

Brotowali is an Indonesia native plants that can easily be found in the yard of the house or grow wild in the forest or abandon land. Brotowali efficacious to lowering blood sugar, reduce heat and fever, reduce symptoms of diabetes, and increase appetite. Some diseases can be cured by consuming the leaves. For example to overcome rheumatism, arthritis, yellow fever, malaria, diabetes, and wound healing.

5. Cats whisker (Orthosiphon aristatus)

Cats whisker plants came from tropical Africa, then spread to Asia and Australia. This plant is efficacious to treat constipation, kidney infection, kidney stones, diabetes, albuminuria, syphilis, rheumatism, and low blood.


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