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5 Great Vegetables for Breastfeeding Mother

Consuming various types of vegetables is very important for breastfeeding mother. Oftenly, the recommended type of vegetables to be consumed for breastfeeding mothers is a type of green vegetable that is known to be able to facilitate the production of breast milk.
Unfortunately, not all vegetables can give a positive impact on breastfeeding mothers. So, what kind of vegetables are recommended to consume by breastfeeding mothers? Here are some delicious vegetables that you can consume to help you to give best nutrition for your baby.

Papaya Leaf and Flower

Papaya will be much better when you consume the leaves along with its. The papaya flowers containing vitamin C, vitamin A and calcium and also phosphorus that is very good for increasing the number of breast milk.
Papaya leaf consumption will also be very good because the enzyme papain in it will help the digestion of food contained in the stomach so that the food in your stomatch will be digested well and faster, then this will also give an opportunity for the baby to get nutrition faster.
As for the processing of flowers or papaya leaves to get this very surprising benefits, then you can process it into stir-fry or made into vegetables accompanied by chili sauce or the like. Apappun it, make sure you consume enough and combined with supplementation ASI.
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Sweet Leaf 

Katuk or in the Latin language Sauropus androgynus is a vegetable plant that is widely spread in Southeast Asia. These plants are are recognized as the mani cai (马尼 菜; Chinese), cekur manis (Malay) and Rau ngót (Vietnamese). Katuk leaf as a vegetables are known to have properties that can facilitate the flow of breast milk. Katuk leaf contain almost 7% crude protein and fiber to 19%. The leaves are rich in vitamin K, in addition to pro-vitamin A (beta-carotene), B, and C. It also contain some minerals like calcium (up to 2.8%), iron, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. This plant has dark green leaf color due to the high levels of chlorophyll. The cooking methods can be boiled or sauteed.
To get the benefits of this amazing herbs, consume katuk leaves at least 100gr as a daily routine. In this 100gr will contain at least 242mg of vitamin C which is certainly enough to meet the daily needs of breastfeeding mothers who only ranged up to 98mg per day.
How to consume it?
You can cook this herbs to make soup which is also combined with other types of vegetables. Or, if you like, you can make katuk leaf juice which is be very powerful to increase the production of breast milk.
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Spinach has green leaf that are healthful and nutritious. It is the major dietary source of folate; in fact, folate was first isolated from spinach. Folate has been found can prevent various birth defects, as well as reduce your risk of premature birth, according to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. The recommended daily intake of folate, for a pregnant woman, is 600 micrograms, and a 1/2-cup serving of spinach contains 131 micrograms. Spinach is also high in iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, niacin and several other vitamins and minerals. Most of these nutrients are important for nursing mothers and their children, so there are clear benefits to eating spinach.
Spinach often processed into soup, this vegeables has the same benefits to increase the amount of breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers than by taking supplements breast milk. This is due to the high content of vitamins A, C, E and K are very powerful in influencing the production of the breast milk. Other than the vitamin and mineral compound, there is also phytoestrogens enzyme that will trigger in the production of breast milk for breastfeeding mothers. So, spinach are also in your vegetables list as long as you are breastfeeding.
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Carrot contain vitamin A that is good for breastfeeding mother. However, on the other hand, it is not recommended to consume carrots in very large quantities. Because, excessive consumption of these carrots will have the potential to change the color of the baby's skin. Therefore, be sure to consume enough carrots alone.
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Have you ever consumed the type of raw vegetables as well as basil? This type of vegetables is known as a natural breast milk booster that is also very powerful to help overcome the problem of milk complaints in terms of production. In this case, the content of basil that includes the enzyme phytoestrogens which is also a kind of substance that is often used as a natural ingredient that will spur the milk production. For that, make sure the consumption of natural milk booster food to increase your milk production every day during breastfeeding.
Read also: Kill Your Body Odor this Herbs


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